Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

What an incredible month of ministry in February. FLM had a team of 13 people who traveled to Peru on February 1st and returned on the 13th. Every year we celebrate the anniversary of Esmirna Iglesia in Tarapoto. This was their 30th anniversary, which is also the same as FLM! We have partnered with them for over 17 years. We had a big Jesus parade down the streets for approx. 3 miles with over 500 people! Jesus was celebrated and glorified!
We followed things up with a big crusade at the coliseum in Tarapoto. God moved in an incredible way during the final prayer that was given. The Spirit of God was so strong that I could hardly stand when coming off the platform after speaking the word and giving the prophetic prayer. There were many who were overcome with tears and celebration. What a powerful moment! FLM did ministry in Moyobamba and Saposoa to city leaders, college universities, police departments, fire departments and the local churches. There was so much that took place that I can only share a few stories.

We ended our ministry trip in Tarapoto on Sunday night. I spoke a message about being called to a second mile relationship with God. At the end of the message an altar call was given, and hundreds of people filled the altars as the Spirit of God moved upon them. After we prayed for many of them, another call was given. This time I felt the Lord calling for missionaries. Over 50 people answered the call to do the work of a missionary. What an amazing trip! God is glorified!!!
FLM has several projects that need funded and would be perfect for a church or an individual to further God’s Kingdom. If you would like to fund one of these projects, please reach out to me at the email below and I will send you the details. We have projects from as little as $2,500 to as much as $25,000. We will soon be posting these projects on our website to help everyone stay connected with what we are doing and our needs.
One current project needing funded is $2,500. It’s for the security fence around our Hope Home in India. If you would like to get involved with this project to help keep our girls secure and safe please let me know and I can give you more information.
On-line donations are an easy way that you can help support First Love take the Gospel to the world. Contributions can be made as a one-time donation or set up on a monthly contribution. Visit our website at and select GIVE. Thank you for partnering with us!
Beloved Builder,
David Austin