Another year has come and gone, and we are now starting the beginning of an amazing 2022!

First Love has had some great celebration moments in 2021, like the completion of our new Worship/Study Center at our girls home in India, two successful missions trips to Peru, and steps to continuing the mission in Nebraska through Fresh Fire Ministries. We are so excited about what has been done, even during two years of a pandemic that we want to spend some time to reflect and celebrate the goodness of God!
In March of 2020 our world was thrown into a tailspin of prayer and spiritual warfare, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our girls home in India was affected in many ways just like the rest of the world. The girls were no longer able to attend their private schooling, church services, or to leave our property. As virtual learning was implemented it became very apparent that we were not equipped to provide an atmosphere where the girls could do their studies in a quite place.

We also learned that they had no place to do their church services since they could not attend church. We quickly make plans to build a Worship/Study Center on our property at the girls home. We were able to complete the beautiful building from donations and resources that God provided. Currently they are still unable to attend in-person classes or church service.
In 2021 we were unable to take mission teams with us to Peru but Julie and I were able to go and do ministry in Peru a few times. We were able to be with the Esmirna Isglesia in Tarapoto for their Thanksgiving celebration, which by the way they don’t serve turkey and dressing… lol! We visited many jungle churches and cities, (Yurimaguas, Sapasoa, Moyobamba) and did ministry. We visited Yurimaguas in order to plan for this coming missions trip in February of 2022. We will float down river a few hours from Yurimaguas to an indigenous tribe to minister and spend time sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The old school outside of Valentine, Nebraska has been a questionable ministry investment for me. My predecessor had a very defined vision for that school that I never could catch. However Fresh Fire Ministries in Valentine was there at the very beginning of that vision and they caught it! Praise God! They will continue this vision and First Love will partner with them as they carry this vision.
Thank you for your prayers, partnership and financial support. On-line donations are an easy way that you can help support First Love take the Gospel to the world. Contributions can be made as a one-time donation or set up on a monthly contribution. Visit our website at and select GIVE. Thank you for partnering with us!